
Camp CDS will return in the Summer of 2024 with all the great activities that have drawn you to CDS in the past. Please watch for information regarding Priority Registration which will begin January 16, 2024. Open registration opens January 30, 2024.

In the meantime, do not hesitate to contact camp@countryday.org if you have any other questions or call (703) 835-7900.

Summer 2024 CAMP CDS Rates

Program Days  Session I Session II
Parent Child (AM) T-W or Th-F $370 $490
Rising Threes (AM)  M-Th $735 $980
Rising Fours (AM)  M-F $890 $1,115
Rising Fours (FD)  M-F $1,365 $1,705
Rising K (AM) M-F $945 $1,180
Rising K (FD) M-F $1,365 $1,705
Rising K + First Grade M-F $1,365 $1,705
Summer Stay & Play  M-F $270 $335

AM = Part Day Morning Program
FD = Full Day Program