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Curriculum by Age

The foundation of the educational program at The Country Day School is an early childhood developmentally based curriculum that encourages the growth of children’s thought processes, the development of their conceptual understanding, and their ability to observe, analyze, predict, and make conclusions about the world. The program also strives to kindle in the children an appreciation for the beauty of our natural surroundings as well as an understanding of their responsibility to conserve and nurture their world. Outdoor learning activities are an important part of the curriculum and are integrated into many units of study.

boy counting gourds
boy reading
adults sitting in a circle for class
children sitting together listening to a book
outdoor large scale painting

“I remember my time at the Country Day School with fond memories. Whether we were play-acting in the model kitchen, getting elbow-deep in slime or venturing out to smell the honeysuckle, we were always provided with opportunities to learn and explore." -CDS alumna 1985-88